Memory lane spiritual voyage to the past This is a series of flashbacks as I travel 30 years back to part my roots in India from my exile in France. Finally got my memory back, I spent 4 years in Darjeeling of which 3 were at St Joseph and 1 at MH. At the beginning of my trip down memory lane this week I couldn't distinguish between NP and MH flasbacks. First week at NP: Dinner in town with my dad, the head teacher Mr. Bannerjee, my brother and me before school starts. Mr; bannerjee proclaims to dad " I will look after them as if they were my own sons" . Everyone is beaming and totally reassured. Never been to a boarding school before. Next dad orders drinks and asks my brother and me if we wanted whiskey. Mr; Bannerjee looks very uncomfortable. We diplomatically declined. Never drank whiskey before. Only 14 years old. Later found out NP is academic excellence, excellence in sport, discipline and hardship to strengthen character. First week classmates made fun of my American accent as I had just arrived from the american international school in Burma. "Hey banner.. ya wanna play tennis" Freezing cold in the dorm, move your toes and you shiver for the next ten minutes. Hot showers once a week ! and timed! Graduated from NP highly competitive and tough. dad says he will make a decision to send us to MH or to a boarding school in England after NP. Settles on MH. Best decision he ever made. MH is a vacation colony compared to NP. To be continued... PS when I left for France in 1974 everyone said I spoke with an "Indian" accent. English not french mind you. By : Jerry Graduated : 1973 Date : 11/8/2004 16:9 |