All Time Bunking Record Class of 1995: Class 10 AKA "AUBREY'Z" Members involved: Deobarna Rai, Tsewang Tsatultsang, and the assisting members of the AUBREYZ The time of this record breaking point in the history of Mount Hermon School was near the Centenary Celebratoins. Security (teachers) wasn't as tight as it normally was, due to the preparations going on for the Centenary Celebrations. This was when Deobarna and myself decided one night to take advantage of the situation. It was then that we dedided that we needed some time off school (lol). We decided to set a new record in Bunking at Mt. Hermon School. At first, we were not quite decided on where to go. Gangtok, Kathmandu, Bhutan (Phintsoling - excuse my spelling if it is wrong) were some of the possiblities. Kathmandu was to dangerous as I was from there, so it would be too risky (what if I saw my parents on the street, lol), Gangtok was again risky as I knew a lot of people there (family friends), so I wouldnt wanna be told on, so it seemed to us that Bhutan was the best option. Deobarna even suggested that we could stay at his relatives house, which was great! Finally, it was decided, Butan it was! I remember it being about almost before about a week to the Centenary Celebrations that we decided on the plan. The night before, we collected what ever money and tuck we could from fellow Aubreyz for the trip. Thanks for your support guys! The next day was the big one. It was do or die (no record). It was at breakfast that Deobarna and me were contemplating on if we should really do this. And just then, we decided to go on with it. We told our fellow Aubreyz to look out for us, and to tell the warden (Mr. Chen) that we were admitted to the infirmary. So off to Bhutan we went. I remember hoping on the back of a jeep outside the gates of MH (yep, we just walked right out the gates, thats how low security was) to the bus station. Then we managed to catch Deobarna's truck leaving for Siliguri (they did daily trips there and back), so we got a free ride there. From Siliguri, we took a bus to Phintsoling, man that was the worst bus ride ever, long, and the seats were really uncomfortable. We reached there late at night, and managed to somehow find Deo's relative's house. We told them that we were going around to relatives houses looking for donations for the MH Centenary Celebrations, man that was one crazy excuse however, they bought it and welcomed us to stay at their place. To this day, I dunno if Deobarna actually took some donation money..or pocket money rather lol from them. Or may be he did....how did we get back to MH otherwise? Well, so we were in Phintsoling for a couple of days, with having nothing much to do, we drove around town in his uncle's scooter, which he was kind to lend to us. We even managed to try and do a little shopping at this huge second hand market. Deo's relatives were awesome, they fed us well, and looked after us well. It was after a couple days of lazing around that we went back to Siliguri and then to Darj. From the Darj station, we took a cab to school...and went straight to "Willies". It was very important for us to have not been tracked missing....as otherwise our plan wouldn't have been a success. So at "Willies" we tried to get information from other students on whether they knew if our escape had been discovered, non of them seemed to know anything about it, which was good news. We left for school, and upon arrival discovered that all was well....and that WE HAD DONE IT! Today, I look back try to think why we really did it, it was honestly just for the record (bragging rights), and maybe to get away from the school for a bit. However, we didn't get to brag too much about it was ...by the time we got there the Centenary Celebrations had begun and it was just busy busy busy! So, since many of you during our time might not have known about, I thought it would be nice to share. Unfortunately, we didn't get to brag about it in Class 11 as marjoity of the Aubreyz were asked not to come back to Mt. Hermon, (something I'm not proud of). Well, I have definitely had great times at MH, and yea...try beating that record. Thanks Aubreyz and Deobarna. PEACE! Tsewang By : Tsewang Graduated : 1996 Date : 13/5/2004 3:33 |