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chemistry lab....disaster........!!!

man when i think of the Chem lab...it brings back so many memories back....the practicals were always the best times...nothing to do ...just add the coloured chalks to the table acids and watch the reaction taking place and when the teacher asks for your observations for Tritation...just come one reading from your nearest neighbour..and then another from your best friend and then use a bit of your scamming brains and Voila!! your results are simply perfect.......ha.
The most fun times were wetting the Tissue papers with water and then throwing the up on the ceiling and then when the teacher asked about the whereabouts of the prankster, acting as a saint that just fell out of the bilble.......
The worst and also the funniest thing that could ever happento me was getting the backside of my Grey pants wet with acid  that was smeared on the seat of my Stuhl by my friends...man oh man then was such a sight...i had to turn my backside to the wall and then literally beg the Teacher to allow this poor fellow to go to the WC........
People meet ,people seperate...but one thing remains...Memories!

By : peda         Graduated :
Date : 15/11/2003 17:51