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Cyanide incident.

Most of us would remember the cyanide case. I don't remember the culprit and how the case was solved. Probably somebody with a clearer memory could add on...

Headlines - Cyanide stolen from MH Lab!
Red Alert in town, cops all over the school, water tank purification - fear of possible contamination.

Fear and choas prevailed. Every corner you would find students hurdled together, topic - cyanide stolen, who could it be?

Mr. Abraham - fondly called Abussss!... our famous chemistry teacher
Osama Bin Laden was his former student (failed attempts to make chemical bombs), ha ha ha... . Abusss drove his scooter like he is going to put any GP500 riders to shame. Anyways!

I remember him actively playing the detective. Trying to piece together
the mystery and clues.

Surprise check in dormitory and classrooms was the order of the day! All eager to know the culprit... rumors were plenty... urgh! I am trying to recollect from here on... nevermind...

To be continued...

By : Shyy Sheng         Graduated : 1983-1991
Date : 29/8/2003 3:36