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Centennary 1995

the centenary year-1995
the centenary year will be on my mind for the rest of my life.that was my favourate year in mount hermon.we were in class 6 that time and we had just pushed ourselves upwards from junior school,and we were enjoying with our taste of freedom.it was great to be on our own.no more didis to look after us.the school started earlier than usual
but it didnt matter to us because we hardly had classes till 11th of march.after the school birthday everything came back to normal.but we had fun that year.playing pranks with our friends,bunking classes
and the sunday chapel seemed fun.but we all were looking forward to
the celebration which was supposed to take place in november that year.being in the senior school was a thrilling experience.we would axiously wait for outing.we always made plans for it days before the day.and when the time for the celebration practice,hardly any boys would be there.some boys would be in their dorms sleeping,and some of them having a time of thier life in the tea gardens bunking from school.but slowly everyone got to their work,and the celebration was a great success.it was a great honour to have kiran bedi as one of the guest of the celebration.the celebration started from 12th november and ended in 24th november.everbody were sad that it got over like a flash.but i have great memories of that year and no doubt those were
the best days of my life.

By : yuvraj         Graduated : 1991-1997
Date : 21/6/2002 1:44