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Happiest Day so Far

Happiest Days So Far

January 1973 till March 1985 will always be the best years of our lives. We joined M H as "green horn" staff members - I was the Commerce/English Teacher and Joan, my wife, secretary to Mr G A Murray.
We've had the most memorable (and the most horrific) moments of our lives at M H and those years are "the happiest years so far". The Annual May day celebrations, the Swimming and athletics galas were so exciting and gave me such a wide experience as an organiser of such events that  much of my success as a Headmaster and later as a Principal in Calcutta was a result of my grooming at MH.
We made the best friends ever - John & Audrey Ismail, Mrs & Mrs Mathai, Sister Thappa, Connie Masand,David & Val Todd, Mrs & Mrs Murray and most of all John & Val Johnston. It was Rev Johnston. who gave me my break in school administration and working with him was such a joy as he understood the needs and aspirations of students and staff. Mrs Johnstons was always so supportive of all our efforts and plans and her input was valued by both John and myself.

The students that I met heave left me with some tender and endearing memories - Tavorn will always be remembered as my daughter's first baby sitter; all the House officials of Knowles House and the cast of "She Stoops to Conquer" are all very well engraved in my mental treasure chest. The good times I had when organising Staff Concerts and social events for Staff dinners will b=never be forgotten.

I guess MH will never be forgotten and its "magic will hold us still" for
years to come.

By : Stephen Lewis         Graduated :
Date : 26/4/2002 0:1