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 Pillars of MH Pictures Salad Days
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Salad Days

Hey, just logged on to Website and "Salad Days" is the heading. I remember it well. Shanta and Alan in the leading roles: I was stage mannager or someehing but my strongest memory was acting a drunken Professor during the staff scene. I did my fall with a bottle which unfortunately broke on the stage. Shanta and Alan danced avoiding the broken glass and we managed to sweep the stage without stopping the performance...those were the days.

I am now a Chaplain in a prison...was MH a training ground? ha ha. Like Genden I still train (with the young prisoners) and can hold my own since many of them are burnt out with drugs alcohol and nicotine.

I am 60 and played my last full football match last month. Synthetic astroturf is very unyielding for goalkeepers.

Some may remember David (Pemba) and Esther(Chandra). D. is a sculptor and E. is on the murder squad in the Metropolitan Police in London. Both veery happy. David has a baby daughter. Our third child is Rachel who was born in Ireland. She has two children and moved to New Zealand in December last.

Liz and I now live in Kilsyth in Scotland.

Love and Blessings

By : Bill Moore         Graduated : Staff 1070 - 1973
Date : 5/6/2005 18:11